
Welcome to my blog! My name is Mark Nicholas, I am a student at
Dundee College doing an HND in 3D Animation, here I will have
updates on my work and what I'm up to.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Movement Studies, Character and Graded Unit Updates

Hello again, almost a month since the last post but that does not mean I haven't been up to anything, due to my abscence on this blog for a while this post will be rather long and include (almost) everything that I have done since the last post.

Regarding the Movement Studies brief: 
 I have finished all renders and animations for this brief and they have all passed. However I did have to re-do one of the animations as the concept of squash and stretch was not properly demonstrated.

Regarding the Character Animation and Modelling brief: 
This brief in my opinion was somewhat of a failure. I had to create and animate an original character in Maya, however in the end I bacame to frustrated with Maya and the weight painting that I transfered the model over to 3ds Max and re-rigged it and animated it, however this was rushed as it was past the original deadline. However I had done enough to pass along with showing an original render from Maya with its deformities.

 Above: Maya render after lifting arm
Below: 3ds Max renders with no alteration to model or textures

Regarding the Graded Unit:
We are now into the third week of the Graded Unit for which I have decided to create a fly-through of a film set. I have chosen to make the set a night club, the main reason being the many lighting options available. I have gathered a few moodboards with reference images, which will guide me in the creation of the scene. I have also done some basic test renders for volumetric lighting.

Volumetric Test Renders:

Regarding the Introduction to Editing brief:
I shall post more on this in another update.